Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Haul, April 2009

We did our usual Library Book Sale thing. Got some good books, but the sad news is they decided not to even have records at the sale anymore. How am I going to stock up on Wagner box sets for a dollar now? But highlights include:

Anathem by Neal Stephenson
One of Polkinghorne's books on science and faith
A Sandman book by Neil Gaiman to fill in one of the gaps in my collection
A book on the making of the periodic table
Simply Christian by N.T. Wright
Faster by James Gleick
A book of astronomy art
Cities of God by Rodney Stark
Travel books for Albuquerque, Boston, and the art of New Mexico for upcoming trips
A book of Loren Eiseley's unpublished journals
An old protein chemistry book given to Hans Neurath (his library must have gotten put into the sale)

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