Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Everything You Need to Know about Radiation

When I was in tenth-grade US history, the teacher allowed us to take one sheet of paper along for the test as a crib sheet. Anything could be hand-written on that sheet of paper. I was the sort who'd cram in basically all possible text onto every inch of space so that from a distance it looked like one big blue ink-spot covering both sides of the paper. (I didn't notice at the time that in the process of creating the crib sheet I learned everything twice, so I rarely used it on the test!) If I had those same parameters for physics tests on radiation, it would have looked something like the picture below, but it wouldn't have been half as nice. Also, the fundamental physics is the same so all the information is as relevant today as it used to be when the chart was made. Enjoy! (Here is where I found it and a link to a bigger version.)

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